
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

2020: For Better or Worse

I'm still here. That's one part motivation mantra and one part gratitude statement. 2020 has been a terrible seven months for so many. For me, the year since I last posted on this blog has brought a lot of changes, for better and worse.

I'm still here on Earth, but in a different location and in a temporary home. We decided to move back to Colorado after eleven years in Georgia for many, many reasons. I didn't realize I had put down roots in Georgia until I picked up my feet to leave and felt the roots ripping out of the red clay ground.

Traveling across the country in the midst of a pandemic was stressful for my germaphobic self, but we managed. We are so lucky to have easily sold our Atlanta home and to have had a spot to land once arriving in our hometown. We're staying in an apartment while we purchase and renovate a house. We'll be transplanting our roots into this new home hopefully before the end of August. I'm ready to settle down for a long, long time.

On the more difficult end of the spectrum, we're trying to balance time with our extended family during the "safer at home" pandemic phase. My dad had a (non-Covid-19) medical emergency so we weren't able to see him for a couple of weeks while he was in the hospital. Thankfully, his condition has improved and we had a family picnic last week.

Now we are facing the decision to send the kids to their new school in a few weeks while the district plans a hybrid opening with two days in schools per week. I'm very nervous that this will make things worse. The kids are so desperate for social time with other kids, understandably. Meanwhile, I'll be starting my final semester at CSU Online. I envisioned taking my last three classes while the kids enjoyed their new school, but now I'll be rushed to get my homework done after helping the kids with their Virtual Learning. My writing schedule has disappeared during this chaotic summer, and I'm not sure how I will reclaim writing time until 2021... 

Best of luck to everyone with your writing and reading goals. Stay safe and be good to yourselves. 
Love from Meg.